Friday, June 4, 2010

Vacation Pictures

Hi card today but I would like to share with you some of my vacation pictures from last week. Just a couple of the pretty/interesting things I saw while hiking!

We passed several different waterfalls during our many hikes but this was one of my favorites! Can you blame me? Isn't it just gorgeous?!

It was such a nice day I thought the bright sky with white fluffy clouds over this lake was just breathtaking!

Can you imagine fitting through this area?? It is literally called "Fat Woman's Squeeze"!!! LMAO!! Appropriate don't ya think?? And it sure was a TIGHT squeeze!

I just thought this was a beautifully colored piece of fungi with some neat looking critters on it! What can I say...I love nature!! :)

Hope you enjoyed these photos and if your interested in seeing a few animal pictures from the zoo let me know!



craftieodmae said...

gorgeous pictures, the first one is so peaceful.......

Dawnll said...

Wow thanks for sharing your vacation, I would have loved hiking there also. I can't say I am thrilled about the fungi!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

OOOH WOW thats all soo pretty!!!

I love nature too, that waterfall is amazing, and the lake... interesting fungii, I had no idea what it was!


Tracy said...

wow these are gorgeous photos, looks a beautiful place. hugs Tracy x

Courtney Baker said...

Wow I've never seen anything like that! Crazy! Beautiful pictures!

Merry said...

What wonderful photos of such a lovely area. So love that waterfall, it looks so serene. Great fungus too.